Friday, July 8, 2011

Okay, round two!

Alright after years of ignoring this blog I feel the need to get back on it! Im going to be a little behind on pictures until we get our computer uo and running in the new house. Speaking of, The HOUSE, The HOUSE!!!! We are getting so much done. Tiling the kitchen starts tomorrow. The boys room is painted and so is the new purple bathroom. Yeah!!!! I cant wait to move back. My hubs is working so hard.
Im working at bandanas about 3 nights a week. I am enrolled in classes at Meremac in Kirkwood. Im really enjoying it. Im about to up my course load to 12 hours in August. Yikes!
Zac is working overtime at work which is great. Job security ;) Magnus is enrolled in two days of preschool amd will be 3 in one month! Moses is busy being one and terrorizing the house. His skin is still pretty bad. We sooo appreciate all your prayers.
Well, Im super excited to start this back up. And will hope to get pictures up real soon.



  1. I loved reading what your family has been up to! Congrats on the new house!
