Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fall brings lots of Changes!

Work on the house has started. They are carting loads of concrete out of the basement today!!! Wooohooo!!! Getting closer everyday!

I got my first test back from Biology class. Now mind you, I am very good in this class. Good notes, listening, perfect labs, etc.. Onnalee Fore: test grade C. What!? Totally burst my bubble. Too bad I already used 2 teary phone calls to great friends on my way to school lol. (thank you girls by the way) Most delinquents at my table were just happy they passed, even with a low grade. But I have a certain GPA to keep up for admittance in to the medical program. Speaking of my lab partners,these women are too much. One has ALWAYS had 1 hour of sleep and has to complain about it the whole time. And they all 3 just goof off and talk silly the WHOLE time! I'm sorry I don't want to answer you in baby talk when you hand me my slide. SHUT UP please.

Last night things escalated. One of them sells sex toys. Yep, her mom is proud. So she proceeded to list the catalog and all 3 of them discussed the products, the usage and the results. Oh MY WORD! I admittedly laughed at a couple of things but was astounded at the rest of the conversation. NEVER have I wanted to burn my ears off more.

Zac gets his cast off this coming Tuesday! He still cant walk on it but at least he wont be jamming random household products down his cast to itch and prod at his leg. He just informed me he wants an electric dart board for his birthday. I feel like that translates into a new bathroom vanity for the basement. But I could be wrong :)

The boys are doing great. We went to a Halloween store yesterday. What fun! Not only did Moses pull off every trick or treat bag from the wall but he also tried to steal many a bottle of fake blood. Let me mention Moses' special talent. He can poop in ANY public environment. And he will, no matter what. We can wait all morning and play at home. Then go to a store,dr.appt, bank, school, playgroup, elevator, anywhere, and he is ON it. I just find that crazy and it leads to a lot of back of the car diaper changes :)

So for this week we are just enjoying the fall weather and each other. Good thing I don't have to take tests on kids or motherhood :)


p.s. Did I mention my new AB workout? It's sneezing over 100 times a day! Who even new I had these allergies!?

Friday, September 16, 2011

TGIF and by that I do, indeed mean thank GOD its Friday..

I really have soooo much to be thankful for. Starting with the fact its Friday. Because after 10 o'clock tonight my weekend starts. With my new schedule I am not home one single night Mon-Fri but Sat and Sun are mine!! Muhahahaha...

I am thankful for Sams club. I am thankful that the wine bottle Moses threw did not shatter like the piggy bank he threw at Borders. I am thankful for his birdlike legs he inherited from him father. For they became unstuck from the bottom shelf of the shopping cart, (like underneath were I could hardly reach him), rather nicely. I'm thankful for the Sams worker that helped me dislodge him while Moses beat me in the face with a cheese stick.

Although it stinks that my hubs is in a cast, I am thankful for Valium (for him). And wondering if I should try it myself :) Pros of having one good leg, I only have to do sock laundry half as much! I follow his trail of single dirty socks all around the house. I don't know if we will ever have a matching pair again.

I am loathing Spanish class. 4 hours is just too long. I got my first test down. And by down you can assume I mean "down in flames.. "I mean, I'm sure there are Spanish miracles, but I can imagine God's got bigger things on His plate. And if He doesn't I can make a list :)

It is rather entertaining to watch a love connection going on in the 2 seats beside me. Passing notes, flirting. Matter of fact I got a little caught up in myself walking to class the other night. Conversation in my head: "Well, hello there guys. I know, I know, I'm looking half way decent today. I see you looking. Good thing my hubs got me this big ol rock I can discreetly put up to my cheek. Wait, whats that? Oh I see. That's just a little ketchup from my sons corn dog. Okay, but..I'm still hot right?..." Come on! Cant a mom get a glance without it being from some stain or foreign object stuck to me? Oh well :)

My husband thinks I'm sexy. Yep, he just wrote me on facebook. I got an alert to one of my pictures. This message came to my phone:" I think this is what Heaven looks like!" HOT DOG! Drop ingredients for lasagna I'm making, run to computer to see just what picture my husband finds so darn angelic. WHAT IN THE WORLD!!!??? He has commented on a MEAT LOCKER picture that we took in Las Vegas. Ahhh....He thinks Heaven looks like meat. Whoa is me :)

Well, I guess the only way to get any action around here is to pull a Lady Gaga and wear my meat dress, maybe put a little ketchup on it :)

Again, LOTS to be thankful for. Great family, amazing kids, LOVE my husband, and this Beautiful Fall weather. Thank God for today, and everyday!

Mucho Lovo, (why am I flunking Spanish?)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Thought I'd give this a try. No story, just pictures and Love ;) Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

First Urgent Care.. better get used to it.

Doctors visits, school work, Bandanas BBQ, eczema, moving back home... The list that causes my daily panic attacks lol. Its really not that bad dissecting it piece by piece. But some days when it all runs into one another, I could WIG OUT! Good thing this weekend was awesome. We had a fun time with family at the Grape Festival in St.James. Then we took Magnus to his school carnival. Face painting, games, rides, snowcones.. He kept repeating "This is the best day of my life". Talk about melt your heart.

But then, ol Monday had to roll around. Bring on 3 hours of Biology lecture and a 40 dollar copay at an orthopedics visit. The highlight of that trip was Magnus telling the doctor he did not care about him, "at all" :) I am really getting tired of walking into medical facilities with 2 hurt family members. Me looking like the crazo who beats them. At the Urgent Care, the doctor looked Magnus over and commented on his scab on his chin. I thought, "Dude, if you turn me in for some sort of child abuse, I will blow this place up." I kept that in :)

Moving home is going great. We have hired someone to install the sump pump in the basement and rough in a bathroom. That should speed things up. And whats a little more debt in the long run, right? Good thing I'm planning a garage sale. That should take care of like 1/640 of that bill :) Ill post some pictures soon of the house progress.

Off to study!

Much Love,

Onnalee <3

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Pick me up, Fall!

Hello there! Miss me? Sorry, Ive been in a little bit of lockmyselfinaroom depression, but things seem to be looking up :) Thanks to an amazing support group of friends and family, life is carrying on.

Zac is doing well. We have a doctors appt next week and we are excited to hear good progress reports. He has taken himself off all narcotics, which has been good. Narcotic husband was kind of like drunk husband. Lots of slurring of speech, falling asleep in mid sentence and you all know the ever present weird urine oddities. But clean husband, after some with drawls, is really looking good. Of course I don't want him in pain or freaking out and cutting off any casts, but I think we are definitely moving forward.

School is actually quite difficult and I'm feeling swamped by Spanish. Aside from a rather enjoyable Colombian spitfire of a teacher, dancing around and commanding "En Espanol, por favor!". I will be AMAZED if I can retain the things I'm supposed to. I've already tried lots of things out on the guys working in the kitchen at Bandanas. But surprisingly none of them are interested in my "Red Note Book and Yellow Pencils". They are however trying to teach me more useful things that I dare not try in front of class :)

Biology is okaaayy. But I'm not even kidding when I tell you about the kid that sits next to me and EATS his boogers. I AM in college right?! He wears like all these keg party shirts and stuff. And I'm thinking, you are NOT cool enough to go to that party. Do THEY know you eat your mucus secretions!? Seriously, I had to move away.

The boys are great. Moses is hilarious and keeps me highly entertained every day with his incessant rock eating and use of new words and sounds. Magnus may as well be 15 with a side of 3 year old crying every hour or so. I love them sooooo much and I think we totally loving rockin a family of Fore.

The house is coming right along! I have actually moved TONS of stuff over and it looks great. I can totally see us enjoying the Winter cozied up in our own little humble abode. Ahhh....

Alright, well, not too informative of a post, but it does feel good to be back. Wallowing in your own self pity in fun for no one. And as I have to remind myself of EVERY day, my life is A-MAZ-ING compared to others, even in my own circles. Thank you all for being a part of it. Lets talk real soon :)

Much Love,

Onnalee <3